Organising a big soirée

Each night, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, an Official Soirée for the Salon Fantastique can be organised.

The first organisers to book a night have the exclusive right and their soirée will be announced here.


We ask for 20 places for our volunteers or to use as prizes during contests (which will give you more visibility) and for you to tell about the Salon Fantastique each week on social media and to help us hand over posters and flyers.

Organising a small soirée

Everyone and anyone can organise a smaller soirée (less than 50 people) when they want to in connection to the Salon Fantastique. Whether it be a murder party, a game night or a workshop… any idea is most welcome and will be announced here.


We ask for 2 places for our volunteers or to use as prizes during contests (which will provide you with more visibility) and for you to tell about the Salon Fantastique each week on social media and to help us hand over posters and flyers.

Soirée Fantastique

The first official soirée of the fair will take place on June the 30th.

More information on our social media.

Nos aventures quotidiennes - Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux !

Venez nous voir !

Paris, Parc Floral


Métro ligne 1 – Station Château de Vincennes



Bus ligne 112, 201, 46

Quand ?

Samedi 28 août et Dimanche 29 août 2021


Samedi : 9h - 19h

Dimanche : 9h- 17h

Quoi ?

De la littérature, de la BD,

des jeux, des artistes

et artisans, du fantastique

et de l'Imaginaire, du jeu de rôle Grandeur Nature,

des artefacts, des costumes,

de la mode et de la fête !

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Crédit image de fond: Mathieu Coudray